Info: Short oral courses see Trainers and Teachers
Workshop on this subject can be found in the Program section
Tarot in accordance with the “Hymbach” method:
The Hymbach method follows the principle that all knowledge you need already resides within you. By means of the proper training youregain access to this source of knowledge.
It aids in enlarging your intuitive knowledge and strengthens your paranormal abilities.
Since 1983 I work with the Tarot. My experience and my life long quest and study of esotheric issues have contributed to the development of my own method, which I want to pass on by means of this course.
Which type of cards do we need:
- The Rider/Waite Smith cards
What is the Tarot ?
The Tarot is a card game that already for ages has been used to predict.
The Tarot van by means of studying the images answer all questions.
It gives insight in yourself and your situation and it makes clear what the obstacles and possibilities are.
Can everyone achieve this?
Yes, in principle everyone who is able to work with his fantasy should be able to achieve this.
What I mean with this:
What I mean with this is that you must be able to hold your first impressions and take these serious, before you start resoning logically with the mind and dismiss these impressions as not relevant.
Does that mean that reasoning with the mind is wrong?
No, on the contrary, we have our mind to translate impressions into words and speech.
However be aware, since we have been focusing to develop the mind and logical resasoning for ages and therefore our intuition has remained underdeveloped. As a result he mind feels superior, and therefore it easilly dismisses impressions that seem irrelevant to it at te moment they occur.
Because of this it is neccessary to pay some more attention to it.
As reincarnating beings we have access to a really tremendous source of knowlegde. Working with the Tarot is a method to connect with that source.
To every question we can think of there is an answer.
Why don't we notice any of this ?
We don't notice any of this because that knowledge can only manifest by means of impressions and images.
Dreams are and example of this, they not only function to discharge the impressions the dreamer had during his waking life, they also contain a message for the dreamer.
At the time we realise that we had a dream, the image often is not complete any more.
Who is not familiar with the continious dialogues and planning of the mind, which starts as soon as we wake up?
Indeed if we wish to project a film, the screen on which it is projected needs to be empty and more often than not this is not the case.
Therefore the Tarot can be a perfect means to connect with that what we so much wish to connect to.
The Tarot is just like many other aids a meaqns to develop our intuition just like schoolbooks aided in developing the mind.
So a Tarottist is not muraculous predictor ?
No, he has just learned to develop his intuition by means of studying for years and as a result he has learned to understand the cards.
A Tarot does not predict any more than you already know, all knowledge already resides within you.
What is the target group of these courses?
These courses are for those wo wish to learn how to develop their intuition, so they will be able to solve their problems, by gaining insight in their circumstances. And these abilities can be used after the test to start an own practice or to participate at exhibitions. By entering the written course followed by a test you are qualified as a teacher to teach others following the Hymbach method, you may also use the existing handout material of the caourse and you will be added to this website with your details.
From oral to written.
For twelve years the Tarot courses; basic-, advanced- and Tarot III have been organized by me in myown center at home, orally. I have done this with a lot of pleasure and hundreds of people have been educated orally by me. The last season of 2008, has been the last time I have teached this way.
ALthough there is a high demand for this course, not everyone is able to travel to Devender once a week. In order to also reach these people I have used my experience of twelve years to apply the same method I have been using already for twelve years now, in a very extensive written course. The great advantage of a written course is, that you can study at your own home, whenever you want and in your own pace.
The teachers.
During this written course you will be aided carefully by myself or one of the other teachers.
Each lesson will be returned with expert comments.
Every spread worked out by you will be returned with an additional, complete explanation, done by me or one of the other teachers.
Written Tarot course
You get acquainted with the cards and you will learn how both hemispheres of your brain can work together.
The Tarot consists of 78 cards. These 78 cards are discussed one by one in the beginners course.
You do not need to memorize anything, step by step you learn how to trust your own inner knowledge.
During this course you learn how you can make both hemispheres of your brain work together in the right way.
That means, the intuitive parts is leading and the rational are the tools to make it workable.
In order to get to know yourself jezelf honesty is a first requisite.
Because if we cannot be honest we will not be able to look at a situation objectively.
Always interpret the cards positively, meant to help.
In this course we will not work with upside-down cards, when the card implies a warning, we can also interpret this as such without being in an unpside-down position.
This will preevent that we immediately jump to conclusions when we see a card in an upside-down position. This also is applicable to the titels of the cards of the Great Arcana. You will see that it takes a lot of effort to let go of all prejudices.
Leave these therefore for what they are and don't pay too much attention to them.
The beginners course consists of 34 lessons.
Step by step you will travel through the cards, you get acquainted with them and you will understand their meaning with your inner eye. Piece by piece the cards start to comminicate with you, your inner knowledge will show you the way.
The second part, the advanced course, consists of 18 lessons.
You will do spreads, you will learn how to put questions in the right way. The right way of putting questions is very important in order to get a clear and correct answer.
The test

The best and most exciting part of the course. The test takes one day, from 9am to 5pm.
Not a test in the conventional way but based on practice.
You acquaint with your fellow students and do spreads for each other, supervised by one of the teachers. You will stumble over the neccessary pitfalls and you will learn how to refine yourself.
Tarot Test with Certificate A or B:
During this day you will have the opportunity to practice doing spreads for others, supervised by qualified teachers. You will learn where to expect pitfalls and how to avoid these. The test also contains a number4 of spreads that are developed by me.
Certificate-B. After the 12 week oral course you are now ready to start your own practice as a Tarot- counselor or to participate in exhibitions.
Certificate- A Is for those who have already finished the written course of 13 or 26 months, depending on the choosen speed. WIth this training you will be a Tarot teacher who is certified to supervise groups. And you are entitled to be mentioned as a teacher, with your details, on the website
The length of the written course:
Speed course: four lessons per month = 13 months
Normal course : two lessons per month = 26 months
The costs of the written course amount:
The costs of the complete course are € 1550,00
You may pay this in 13 monthly terms of € 120,00
or in 24 monthly terms of € 65,00
depending on the choosen speed.
Paying in terms can only be done via automatic collection.
The total amount:
iF you pay the total amount of the course in one payment before the start of the course, you will get a reduction of 13%. (€ 178,32)
U pay € 1371,68
Costs of the oral courses:
The costs of the oral courses can be retrieved at the respective teachers. Go to: Trainers and Teachers
The costs for the test.
The costs for the test day amount € 250,00 including lunch
You will receive a separate invoice for the test after you have entered.
Information on dates of the test days will be published on the website.
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Schriftelijke Tarotcursus - Uw voor en achternaam – tempo norm. of tempo aangep. |
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