During one of my meditation sessions in 1993 the letters appeared to me one by one, in capitals and brightly illuminated. That was all, there was nothing else, no clues, no comments, just that. As usual I wrote down everything I had seen in my notebooks,knowing out of experience that an explanation would be following later on. After I had started a foiundation together with six collegue therapists, in 1999, to do workshops, we were looking for a suitable name. My suggestion was to name the foundation Hymbach, a name that was accepted by everyone. One of our advertisements in the magazine 'Bres' had been noticed by a lady who called called me and told me that she had no intention to do a workshop, but that she was intrigued by the name. She thought it was very nice that we had choosen a Frisian name that meant "the river to home”. I knew that this was the answer I had been waiting for.

Unfortunately our foundation didn' exist very long so the name Hymbach became unused again soon after. However our action did bring me the answer I had been waiting for, although it would take some more time before Hymbach got its real place and purpose. In 2007 I was in the opportunity, thank to a great offer of a sponsor, to make my long dreamt dream come true. I had the opportunity to retreat for five months on the island of Bali in Indonesia, to write my first book.
While I was writing this book I new thathere the name Hymbach finally had got its meaning and purpose. "The river home” here had found its real meaning, the road to come home at yourself.
The following year I decided to replace my very outdated website by a new one.
For a long time I have run my undertakings under my own name Yana Dijkstra.
Because of the great changes in my undertakings- old courses in a new outfit for a larger public and new trainings- now more people are involved besides myself. It was therefoer logic that my undertaking needed a new name.
HYMBACH is: the river home! The home we all long for, where we can be ourselves and be able to teach this to others. Because you like to share what makes you happy.